When I was little, my friend’s parents always bought her a present for Sweetest Day. Before she started getting toys randomly in the middle of October, I had never heard of Sweetest Day, and frankly I’ve barely heard of it since. Do people really celebrate it? Let me tell you this: if you want to start, Sweetest Day is this Saturday!! I know! My planner didn’t note it either. Jim and I will be celebrating by being in completely separate cities with only one of us having cell service. I can also assure you my kids will not be getting toys.
I am willing to celebrate by posting some art by Jim Dine (aka “King of Hearts”), however! Jim Dine is a Warhol-ish artist, who has painted tons of fun hearts, and these flowers, which I love because they’re bright and fun and of the variety that I couldn’t kill.
“Very Lite in Japan” I <3 these bold colors! |
“The Confetti Heart” If you really want to express your love, throw confetti in your sweetie’s hair! |
I can’t write about Jim Dine without also mentioning his affinity for Pinocchio, which was never my favorite fairytale (It’s a little creepy, right?!), but I appreciate that Dine has created several Pinocchio pieces as a nod to art and the idea that you can take something (a log, for instance!) and create something real and meaningful and loveable from it.
Have a lovely Sweetest Day! If you buy your kids a gift, don’t let my girls catch wind of it!